/by Dr Jess Dart

We’re thrilled to announce our new learning partnership with Key Assets Australia (KAA). KAA is an organisation dedicated to providing quality child and family services, with a specific focus on supporting children and young people with complex needs across Australia.

KAA recognise that the service system for Children and Families is fragile. That is why their recent strategy commits KAA to improving and transforming the service system for children and families, by centering the voices of children and young people.

Our ongoing learning partnership will be helmed by KAA’s Chrysalis team, led by Chrysalis’CEO Jamie Hodgson, and Clear Horizon’s Dr Lucia Boxelaar and Dr Jess Dart. It is designed to help transform the approach to child and family services, creating lasting positive outcomes.

Chrysalis was seeking a learning partner to work in a shoulder-to-shoulder manner to establish their evaluation and learning approach for their work to transform systems. Clear Horizons Systems Transformation Unit has been engaged to fill this role,

“The work of Chrysalis represents a progressive step towards centering the voices of children and families into the sector, which is expected to catalyse significant system changes.” – Lucia Boxelaar.